星期四, 10月 15, 2009

My Starbucks Moment

今朝收到速遞送黎既包裹,終於收到 Starbucks PR 速遞過黎既 Mint Mocha, 多謝 Meling既安排,所以得以順利接收 Mint Mocha 啦!





咁多枝 Mint Mocha,梗係要同我親愛既同事分享啦!大家飲既方法都唔同,等我同大家Share返我同事仔們既My Starbucks Moment比大家知啦!

同事仔MT: 不太甜,但冇乜COFFEE味!mint 既味道ok!都幾好味! (冇雪室溫飲!)

同事仔SS : The mint mocha seems a bit sweet & is in lack of coffee favor, 都幾好味喎!! mint味我飲到尾先覺呀...可能我冇搖咗先啦! (冇雪室溫飲!)

同事仔CYu: it isn't creamy enough too, compare to the fresh starbuck....It must be better to serve in summer for cold, rather than in fall winter, though it is a tasty drink, it can't be call coffee... mint is good, still can feel it in in my throat at this moment...btw, aftertaste is quite good (雪凍左黎飲!)

同事仔 AF: 如果唔落冰, 真係太甜, 另外薄荷味幾強, coffee味比較少 (雪凍左加冰飲!)

同事仔 LY : coffee and mocha taste not very strong, maybe too much milk. mint is very strong though, then again, this migth be done based on local hk people's taste preference :P (雪凍左加冰飲!)

同事仔 JW: too sweet, too milky, without the taste of mocha, strong Mint favors. I don't like this favor, I prefer drinking Starbucks Latte, I give 5 out of 10 for the score. (雪凍左黎飲!)

同事仔 CYiu : 偏奶味!輕輕既薄荷味同咖啡味配合得恰到好處,雪凍左唔甜呀!但如果再少少甜度會更好!(雪凍左黎飲!)

同事仔 SL: smooth but kinda sweety..... should increase the favor of mint since I cannot taste it.........coffee favor can be tasted , however, it definitely not suitable for coffee addicted ssss , rather spend 5 mins walking down da coffee shops in the high street and grab a fresh one (雪凍左黎飲!)

其實今朝一收到 Mint Mocha ,我已經去雪定冰,但大部份同事仔都冇加冰,我都建議左佢地要加返一杯冰!咁就應該岩岩好!就咁飲會太甜!但有部份同事仔又覺得唔好甜岩岩好喎!我覺得絕對係個人口味!


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